In part one we reviewed the contactless Menus & the using machine learning.
Let us look at the following
1.RFID the use inside the busy system
2 Robotics or maximizing the productivity using a lesser workforce.
This is a literally must have technology whether inside a refrigerator or stores. Imagine a space containing inventory telling you the inventory levels or just alerting you to place the next order to your vendor selling Food, Beverage or any other item running on low?
“We already have designed compact stores in our projects” say team Vital Concepts & Designs, ( VCD) imagine adding the power of RFID!,( surely this technology is worth a
spend) this will be the game changer in saving costs, premium storage spaces and of
course hiring a better skilled 1 for 10 persons employees.
Lessons to be learnt from the Japanese with their JIJO ( Just In Just Out inventory
mantras or chants. Ask VCD to help - saving you premium space & operating costs.
Along with this embrace Kaizen (Kaizen is taken from the two Japanese words, Kai
(Change) and Zen (Good), but is most often expressed as ‘Continuous improvement’.
High Density shelving helping save internal circulation is already in use & this is the intelligent use of channels, or tracks to make the shelving travel to get close to each other and yet the loaded shelves can just be moved with relative ease thanks to the high performance of the materials used in this technology at work: simple yet highly effective.
Does this mean you become a machine? While the Sci Fi world does throw up the most
fascinating scenarios where the machines respond & then take control to help the
impossible outside the spaceship tasks on hand: the restaurant & the hotel industry have
started accelerating ( not at hyper speed or warp speed) towards this. A few years ago
team VCD was shown in an Oktoberfest restaurant kitchen in Munich, how a horizontal & a vertical conveyor system helps cut fatigue, control temperatures, and deliver the
most amazing varieties of food. Will the advent of robots deliver consistent service? Some restaurants are using these to pre-prep the basics or even the use of these in the
hot food production. These human contactless may become an important requirement.
Robots are expensive machinery & have to be customized.